Learn German with the help of a dedicated tutor by finding German lessons in your area. Use the search button and we can help you find German lessons available near you or online.

If you already speak some German we can help match you with a teacher to suit your level of experience whether intermediate or advanced, enabling you to further improve your grasp of the language. If you are a complete beginner but want to learn to speak German then we can help you find a professional tutor that is specialised when it comes to teaching the language to students with no experience, taking you through to a fluent level.

If you’re looking to learn a new language but struggling to decide where to start, German is a very good option to consider. When it comes to languages with similarities to English, German is one of the best options due to the fact that both English and German derive from the Germanic branch of languages. As a consequence of this there are thousands of cognate words that are closely related and much easier to learn.


  • Brother = Bruder
  • Sister = Schwester
  • Mother = Mutter
  • Father = Vater
  • Water = Wasser
  • House = Haus
  • Apple = Apfel
  • Book = Buch
  • I have = Ich Habe

Not wanting to pour water on the fire, but clearly it won’t be as easy as this and not all German and English words are this closely matched. It won’t be this straightforward when it comes to learning other words, sentence structures, grammatical rules, noun gender, etc. So having a professional German teacher will be critical when it comes to learning German fluently.