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On top of learning a new skill, there are many other benefits to learning the drums. First and foremost, playing them is actually great exercise and the drums are definitely one of the most physical musical instruments you can learn. Not only will you have fun, but you’re working out every time you play. Playing the drums is considered to be an amazing method of relieving stress, improving coordination and enhancing your multitasking capabilities. 

Every teacher is different and will take an alternative approach to the way they conduct their lessons, but during your first few drum lessons you could expect to learn a few different skills depending on your level of experience. Talk to your drum teacher and discuss what you already know (if anything), whether you’re a complete beginner or have played the drums before to any extent. For beginners, at the very start you can expect to go over:

  • The drum kit and what each part is used for
  • Types of grip and how to hold drum sticks
  • Different playing techniques
  • The importance of beat and rhythm
  • Reading music