Teaching your child a second language at an early age has many benefits, not least that children learn languages much faster and easier than adults do. A child’s brain is designed to absorb new information, including the ability to subconsciously learn languages. Studies have shown that the part of the brain that facilitates the learning of new languages grows rapidly from around five years old until early teen years, making these years the perfect time to engage in language lessons.

We can help you find language tutors near you that specialise in teaching children and by finding a local professional you can give your child the best possible chance of learning a second language. Some of the many benefits of learning a second language include:

  • Increased ability to learn further languages – when learning a new language your brain has to cope with the difficulties and complexities of a different language system, new rules, structures, terminologies and grammar. Research shows that once a person has learnt a second language, picking up additional languages is much easier, especially for children. This is because when you learn a second language you develop new brain networks that you otherwise would not. These new networks make learning a third language more straightforward
  • Travel – whilst English is widely spoken across the world, being able to speak a second language can open you up to a whole new world of travel, especially if your second language is the one spoken locally. There are many countries that don’t speak English fluently and some that don’t speak it at all, so relying on people speaking English wherever you travel can limit your options and diminish the experience. Speaking a second language will allow you to travel outside of the main tourist areas, interact with locals and discover local wonders that others couldn’t. Learning from a young age will increase your ability to speak fluently into adulthood and open up a whole new world of travel possibilities
  • Culture – studies show that children who have learnt another language are very likely to develop a positive attitude toward the culture or country associated with that language. It is almost impossible to truly appreciate the culture of another country if you don’t speak their language, where the slightest error in translation and all meaning, feeling or value can be lost. Language is the most direct way of connecting with the culture of a country and understanding their tradition, history, religions, arts and the people themselves
  • Career opportunities – learning a second language at a young age can open up opportunities in adult life to study or work abroad, or join a multinational company that highly values bilingual employees