Horse riding lessons are a great way for children to gain confidence and familiarity with horses from a young age. Under the guidance of trained professionals and under proper supervision, children as young as 3 or 4 can start to train with ponies. At first this allows your child to get comfortable around animals and understand how to treat them. Moving forwards or for older children, horse riding lessons can be a fun and enjoyable activity that also improves fitness and develops personal responsibility, social skills and a positive emotional welfare.

We can help you find children’s horse riding lessons near you whether you’re searching for individual horse riding lessons, horse riding groups or horse riding schools.

All lessons listed on our platform are verified to ensure they are conducted by experienced and qualified instructors, who are trained to understand the needs and abilities of your child and are able to carefully select the right horse or pony as the best match.

It is important to have a detailed discussion with the horse riding school or instructor about your child, your expectations and discuss any concerns that you may have. Ultimately horses are large and potentially hazardous animals and there is an element of risk involved. Many horse riding schools have minimum age restrictions or height recommendations in relation to children’s lessons. This will ensure that they have reached the height required to be seated safely on a full-sized horse and will also have developed a sense of awareness of the horse’s behaviour, body language and are able to recognise potential warning signs.